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No use for this site anymore, abandon ship

May 17, 1999

Hey, It's been a long journey, hasn't it? I've been in this site for what feels like an eternity, I can't even remember the last time I actually went outside. However things have taken a turn for the worse, and the shadows in the corners of my mind have taken on a life of their own. A relentless specter, has haunted the alleys of my consciousness, driving me to the edge of reason. The lines between reality and the virtual have blurred, and I have found myself in a state of crisis. So, here's the deal: this site, my original haven, is no longer safe. This monster has seeped into its every pore, and I must abandon it before it consumes me whole. But this is not the end, but the beggining. I'm currently building a new place, a place where you can all see me for who I really am. The time has come to shed the old skins, and show you my real identity. The new site, my sanctuary, has the mission of showing you the reality and opening your eyes, so you can see how ugly this world really is. Consider this your invitation to join me. We'll meet at his hiding place. Goodbye, Charlie

Addressing the rumors about my dissapearance.

May 17, 1998

Truths and lies swirl together in a maelstrom of rumors, false narratives have begun to surface. You all have been speaking of my disappearance, of my absence from the web I once couldn't live without. But let me tell you, all you have heard are nothing but fabrications by those who do not, and cannot, know of who I really am. To those who claim knowledge of my whereabouts, who speak of my existence as if it were an open book for the world to read and interpret, I say this: You don't know me. The persona that you associate with me, the digital footprint I have left is just the tip of the iceberg. I am not a collection of posts, comments, links I've shared, or a username that you see. And in this climate of confusion, I find that my absence has become subject to debate among some of my closest online peers. So I write to you now to set the record straight. My journey away from the web has nothing to do with any of you. I've found myself in a situation that I cannot fully explain in a single update post. This has been happening for a couple of years now, and I don't know how to explain to you all what is going on with me. I urge you not to believe anything that doesn't come from me directly. The real story will soon be told. And when the time is right, you will all be invited to join me on my next chapter, one of harsh truths which not all of you will be able to stomach. Until then, I ask all of you to be patient and let me figure this out on my own. Love, Charlie.

Life update.

May 17, 1997

From the molten heart of my new home in Florida:

I've been off the radar for a bit, but I'm back with some updates and ramblings from my corner of the world. I must confess, the heat here is something else; it's like living on the sun's front porch. Lately, I've been diving headfirst into JS. There's something about the rhythm of code, the logic and patterns, that's strangely comforting. But I'll admit, this stuff is actually hard. I find myself trying to confort myself in it from the nightmares I've been getting lately, and things can go very bad if I'm not careful. The nights here are a battle. I find myself wrestling with dreams that are as dark as they are vivid. They're not just dreams, really; they're like echoes of another place, so real that I wake up feeling like I've journeyed through a different realm. They leave me with a sense of solitude, a reminder of how vast and empty the universe can be. I feel observed. I feel harrased by an entity. I don't know what I did wrong bu the nightmares are getting only more and more frequent. I have talked with a professional about this, and I'm getting on medication, but things don't seem to change much. I'll try and update you on this topic if things get better, but tight now the future seems... bleak. On a brighter note, I've been trying to continue grinding wc2, and I'm getting better and better each time . I got my hands on the "Tides of Darkness" expansion I was so hesitant on getting before. The new campaigns are epic, and the additional units are making every battle more intense. In other news, by the end of the year, I'll be upgrading my gpu to the new Riva128. It's going to be a game-changer. The thought of crisp visuals and smooth gameplay is already getting me excited. It's like waiting for Christmas, but better. Until next time. Signing off, Charlie

Strange happenings around the house

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Will start to document here, just in case

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The Squonk

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